Disco Lighting Purchase Packages

We get asked all the time about small party lighting packages - so here you go! Why spend hours running around town trying to find and rent this stuff - buy it once and use it for years!. I keep a package at my house and my kids and their freinds are always borrowing it.

Product: Dynamic Light Pak Instant Lighting Package includes: . 1x Double Twist Lighting Effect . 1x Trilogy Lighting Effect . 1x S45 Strobe . 1x F700 Fogger . 1x pint of Fog Juice


Mirror Ball Package - with pinspot light, color gels, rotator and ball - sends dots of light all around the area.

12" Mirror Ball Package  - $85.00 - Mirror Ball only - $49.95
16" Mirror Ball Package - $119.00 - Mirror Ball Only - $85.00

Buy Dynamic Pak and 12" Mirror Ball Pack for $399.00 including Shipping (plus tax if in Ca.)

Click here to order by Credit card ....

or call (818) 557 0903